Look It Up FAST!
The Blue Letter Bible - search bible verses and keywords with access to 14 versions, biblical dictionaries, maps, Hebrew, Greek and Latin, links to appropriate hymns, devotionals and more
The Calculator Edge - hundreds of calculators, from general use to scientific and technical, useful for everyone from students to engineers!
The Currency Converter Site
EasyBib - an easy way to create a bibliography
The Encyclopedia of Alabama
The Florida Lottery
Get Latitude and Longitude
Metric Conversions - Detailed Metric Conversions. Also includes formulas, information on units, and the ability to see answers out to 8 digits or as a fraction
Official US Time - get the right time every time for any US time zone
Online Conversion
Perpetual Calendar
Sunrise/Sunset Calculator
General Reference
Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Community Information Center - Search the Sex Offender Registry and see current Amber Alerts, Emergency Missing Child Alerts, Missing Senior Alerts, and Blue Alerts.
Explore Census Data
GlobalEdge - a must for international business info. Get country background, stats, key facts, history, economy. Stats even has info on language and the environment. The corporations section lists the top companies in the country.
Google Patent Search - use advanced search to find patents by keywords, inventor, title, number, owner, etc. and get illustrated results. Click on Help to learn more
IFixIt.com - The free repair guide for everything, written by everyone.
Immigration Statistics from the U.S. Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS), Department of Homeland Security. At this site you can compile statistics on immigration by state.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration - Info and stats on safety issues like airbags, seatbelts, and crash testing
The Nobel Prizes - a database of prizes and winners with bios on recent winners
The Occupational Information Network - Use this site to download the O*NET database, career exploration tools, job analysis questionnaires, employer guides, and technical reports.
Rural Population and Migration
US Census Bureau
U. S. Copyright Office - Info and copyright searching
U. S. Patent and Trademark Office
Where to Write for Vital Records
Anywho - White Pages. Directory of phone, fax, e-mail, URL and website info
Super Pages - Resource for finding information and insights on businesses and retailers. Find local business information from driving directions and hours of operation to Web links and customer reviews.
Skipease - Collection of the best people and public record searches.
White Pages - Find people, contact info & background checks
USA.gov - Official Guide to Government Information and Services.
Dictionaries, Almanacs, etc.
English to ASL Dictionary
TechTerms - The Computer Dictionary
Information Please - almanacs, biographies, encyclopedia and dictionaries
The Idiom Dictionary
Merriam Webster Dictionary Online - complete with a thesaurus, word of the day, and word games
One Look Dictionaries
Geography and Maps
Maps from the University of Alabama - Historical and contemporary maps plus Aerial photography from all over the world.
Library of Congress: Maps - The Library of Congress has custody of the largest and most comprehensive cartographic collection in the world. The online map collections represents only a small fraction that have been converted to digital form.
The National Map - a suite of products and services that provide access to base geospatial information to describe the landscape of the United States and its territories.
Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection - provides links to more than 5,000 maps including population density maps, reference maps, vegetation maps, etc.
Holidays and Festivals
Earth Calendar - Search holidays by date, country, religion, and a lunar phase calendar with names and dates of the moons!
Festivals.com - search for festivals by state