Mobile & Remote Printing

Print to the Mobile Public Library printers by going to the location's PrinterOn website, emailing the printer or using the PrinterOn app.

Print jobs will be available for 24 hrs.

Black & White:10¢ per page
Color:50¢ per page

Computer Users

Print to a library printer from any computer or device using our mobile printing website.

At which library location would you like to pick up your printouts?

PrinterOn graphic

Mobile Device Users

Print to a library printer using the PrinterOn App.

Email Users

You can sends attachment(s) by email to the printers directly. This will create multiple print jobs: one (or more) for the attachment(s) and one for the email.

On the black bar at the top of this page go to the locations menu and select the location at which you want to send your document to print. On those pages you will find the email addresses for that location's black and white printer and its color printer (not available at all locations.)

Watch our video for help getting started:

Frequently Asked Questions

You will need to download the file from your Google Drive onto your device first, and then send the downloaded file from your device to the printer.

Several factors can limit the size of the file you can print, including constraints on the size of email attachments. However, the largest file size that PrinterOn will accept is 50MB.

Image files are printed as a full page.

You have 24 hours to go the Library and release your print request. If not printed, the request will automatically delete from the queue. If you don’t release your print request in time, you will need to send it again. You will not be charged for print requests that are not released.

  • To pick up your document, go to a Print Release Terminal/Self Service Station in the library you chose to send the print request. (At some locations you will pick-up your print from a staff member at a help desk)
  • At a Print Release Terminal/Self Service Station, select Release a Print Job.
  • Enter the email address you gave when submitting the print job.
  • The print jobs in blue will be the ones printed. Click on multiple print jobs to print them at the same time.
  • Select the Print button at the top left.
  • Use the Vending Device next to the printer to pay for the print job in cash. After inserting your money, select the Pay from Vending Device option.
  • If you need to pay with a credit card or check, go to a help desk for assistance.
  • If you do not release your print job within 24 hours of submission, you will need to send your job again.

Print requests will disappear if not released. You will not be charged for print requests that you decide not to print.

Yes, you can! If you wish to pay with a credit card or check, ask for staff assistance at the help desk.

Each PrinterOn enabled printer is provided a unique name used to access the printer. If you receive a message stating that the printer could not be located in the directory, please confirm that the name of the printer is correct and resubmit your print request to the printer.

If problems persist, contact the Library to verify the name of the printer.

If your request cannot be found, it is likely that an incorrect email address is being entered. Double check which email address you used when submitting the print request. It’s also possible that there was a typo in your email when you submitted your print request from the website or the app. Ask for assistance from staff – they may be able to find the print request listed with a similar email address.

Also, it’s possible that your print request was sent to a different Library Location or incorrect type of printer (Black & White vs. Color). Staff cannot move print request between locations or type of printer. You will need to send the print again.

Staff cannot send print requests to other Locations. If you have sent your print request to the wrong Library Location, you will need to send it again to the correct place.

All print requests sent to the color printer will cost 50¢ per page. The printer doesn’t change the price based on the file. Staff will not be able to move your print request to a black and white printer. You will need to send the file again to the correct printer.

A web page will print as it looks on the device you are using to submit the print request. For Example: When printing from your phone, using the PrinterOn app, the web page will likely print looking like the mobile version of the web page.

When editing a document with some applications, such as Microsoft Word, your document is formatted and presented to you on the screen based on the paper size configured for the printer your computer is currently using.

If the paper sizes available on the PrinterOn enabled printer to which you are sending your files are different from the paper size you created the document with, Microsoft Word will reformat your document to fit on the new paper size. If the paper size is larger, it may use fewer pages and if the paper size is smaller it may use more pages.

In order to help ensure the security of your documents as well as other users, PrinterOn’s printing service disables some features such as Macros in Microsoft Office documents. Macros in documents are sometimes used to perform operations automatically when the document is opened. Unfortunately, Macros have become an increasingly common method of transferring viruses. As a result, PrinterOn does not allow Macros to be run when printing a document.

In some cases, your document may contain information that cannot be handled by PrinterOn. These may include password protected documents or documents that require a user to enter information or confirm a pop-up message when it’s opened. When this occurs, PrinterOn may take longer than expected to identify the problem and report the failure. If problems persist, ensure that your document is not password protected and does not contain pop-ups.