Career Alabama

Receive one-to-one, real-time assistance with your job search. Online tutors are available to help navigate online job sites, complete applications, write/review resumes and cover letters and even practice for an interview.
Learning Express Library

Universal Class

Learn on your own time. Video-based courses for people interested in professional or personal growth. Get feedback from professional instructors and connect with other students. Courses available 24/7
Vocational & Career Collection

Provides full-text coverage for trade and industry-related periodicals for high schools, community colleges, trade institutions, and the general public.
The Ben May Main Library is now offering GED classes!
Goodwill Gulf Coast is partnering with Mobile Public Library to offer small classes, tailored to YOU, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the Technology Center at the Ben Main May Library.
Get set to soar!
You must sign up before joining the class. Complete the form at the link below to be entered into the state system and enroll in the class.
To enroll, click HERE.
For more information, call LaToya with Goodwill Gulf Coast at 251-300-6278.
Local Skills Help and More
The Southwest Alabama Partnership for Training and Education (SWAPTE) - (formerly Mobile Works and a part of the Alabama Career Center System) provides training and a network of resources that offer comprehensive employment, career counseling and job training services to businesses and job seekers.
Alabama Works - provides career tips in addition to job listing/searching.
Goodwill Easter Seals of the Gulf Coast - for those seeking assistance with job search, resume writing, electronic application submissions, and interviewing skills.
Still Serving Veterans - offers a variety of services to help veterans with employment, accessing their VA benefits and getting connected with the resources they need to build meaningful lives after military service.
Purse With Purpose: Our Sister’s Closet - provides free interview and workplace clothing, and job search support and career advancement training to women, men and teens.
Go to Alabama Department of Labor to file for unemployment.
To file for Unemployment, you will need:
- Your Social-Security Number
- Your work history for the past 18 months, including addresses of your employers
- Driver’s Licence or State issued ID
- Alien Registration Number for non-US citizens
- Bank Routing number and checking or savings account number
- A telephone number where you can be reached
Need Help? Call the Alabama Department of Labor at 1-866-234-5382 (select option 2).
College/Financial Aid
College Navigator - U.S. Department of Education links to colleges and universities
U.S. Department of Education: Office of Federal Student Aid - publications, fact sheets, online tools, and other resources to help you prepare and pay for college or career school
SAT - Official site for the SAT college admissions test
ACT - Official site for the ACT college admissions test
ETS - Offical site for the GRE, PRAXIS, TOEFL and more.
Veterans Benefits Administration: GI Bill
U.S. Department of Education: Grants
U.S. DoEd: Office of Federal Student Aid - publications, fact sheets, online tools, and other resources to help you prepare and pay for college or career school
U.S. DoEd: Office of Federal Student Aid: Resources
U.S. DoEd: Office of Federal Student Aid: FAFSA - Use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form to apply for financial aid for college or graduate school.
U.S. DoEd: Office of Federal Student Aid: Lower Payments - Apply for an Income-Driven Repayment Plan, a deferment or a forbearance.